Knowing, Growing, and Showing the Love of Christ
As fully committed followers of Jesus Christ we give ourselves to a life of:
Knowing God the Father more deeply as He reveals Himself through His Word, not just knowing about Him personally through His Son Jesus Christ
Growing in Christlikeness through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to reflect the image of Christ and our personal relationship we have with the Father to the world around us
Showing the love of Christ through intentional acts of service, kindness and ministries to the church and the un-churched alike
KNOWING … our expectation is that every member will not just have head knowledge about God but will know God personally through an ever deepening relationship with Him. We must know God on His terms, as He reveals Himself to us through the community of believers, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and ultimately through God’s own Son—Jesus Christ.
We are created by God to have a personal relationship with Him. We come to know God and have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus, and seek to express our love to Him through worship—giving God our mind’s attention and our heart’s affection and through our witness as we seek to draw others into a living relationship with God. (John 14:6-7, Ephesians 1:17)
GROWING … our expectation is that those who are in an ever deepening relationship with God the Father will continually be transformed by that relationship through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit transforms us through our studying, applying, and obeying the teachings of the Bible, God’s Word.
This transformation will result in us growing to think and act like Jesus—Christlikeness. The more we deepen our relationship with God and are transformed into a sharper and clearer image of Christ by the Holy Spirit the more we reflect that image and relationship to the lost and hurting around us and the more we draw others into a relationship with God. (Acts 4:13; Romans 8:29-30; 1 Peter 2:2)
SHOWING the love of Christ … our expectation is for every member to be intentional in the way they live out the reality of their deepening relationship with God and growing transformation.
Everyone should have a ministry that serves those inside and outside the Church. Christ gives each person talents and abilities in order to build a team that will do the work of the ministry. We need to commit to using our time, treasures, and talents to be the body of Christ in our world. (Acts 1:8; Matthew 5:16, 28:19-20)